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Author: Grand_Fitness

Heat Exhaustion Awareness Heat exhaustion is a condition that occurs as a result of your body overheating. While it’s a severe condition that is far to common in the Florida heat, there are precautions you can take in order to combat heat exhaustion. Today, we share the causes and symptoms of heat exhaustion and ways to prevent and treat it. Causes Heat exhaustion often occurs in individuals exposed to high temperatures that experience extreme water depletion or salt depletion. This happens when your body is unable to cool itself off due to extreme

How to Celebrate Men's Health Month June is men’s health month, a nationally recognized holiday designed to raise awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among males. Here we share tips on how to  make your health a priority this month to celebrate. Get a Health Screening.   Men, here’s the sign you’ve been waiting for to schedule that doctor’s appointment. There’s no better time than now to see a health professional. Regular health screenings give you peace of mind because they can detect signs of disease

Supplements That Men Should Take Daily A nutritious diet and exercise are often the start of a healthy lifestyle, but sometimes our body needs more vitamins and minerals than we are consuming through food. Men should add the following supplements to their daily routine to ensure they ingest the accurate amount of nutrients to nourish their bodies. Multivitamin It’s no surprise that a multivitamin is at the top of the list. While this supplement contains multiple vitamins and minerals, men should ensure that their multivitamins contain a healthy dosage of the following nutrients.

10 Superfoods for Women   If you are trying to live a healthier lifestyle that includes nourishing foods that give your body the nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals that it needs, add these 10 superfoods to your diet.   Salmon - This omega 3 rich fish is filled with anti-inflammatory fatty acids that can lower the risk of heart disease and arthritis, lower blood pressure and so much more.   Leafy Greens - Spinach, kale, swiss chard and other leafy greens are full of vitamins, minerals and fiber that your body is

Health Tips for Women On-The-Go With kids in school and daycare, dinner needing to be cooked, a more-than-40-hours-per-week job and so much more, women too often let their health become one of the last priorities on their to-do list. If you need simple, tangible steps to become healthier, we are here to help! Whether you are extremely active or have a desire to become a more healthy individual, these five tips can benefit any lifestyle of women on-the-go.   Eat Breakfast - We’re sure you’ve heard this a dozen times before,

5 Best Fitness Classes for Mental Health Are you in need of a mental pick-me-up? Get moving and allow your mind and body to heal through daily exercise. One study found that when you go from an activity level of zero to increasing your exercise to at least three times a week, you reduce the risk of depression by 30 percent.  Here are the 5 best fitness classes for mental health that we offer at Grand Fitness.   Yoga - Yoga improves strength, flexibility, and concentration. It leaves you feeling confident and

5 Tips for a Better Night Sleep  Sleep loss is detrimental to everyone both physically and mentally. A lack of sleep is linked to heart disease, diabetes, strokes and obesity. With that being said, it is safe to say sleep is extremely important for your overall wellbeing and that is why we’ve put together 5 tips to help you in getting a better night sleep.     Mindfulness Meditation – Mindfulness meditation evokes the relaxation response in your brain which helps you focus on calmness rather than concerns about the past or future. It is known to help

Nutritional Myths - How to Navigate the Trends   We know that establishing a nutrition plan and routine that works best for you can be a challenge. There are so many sources to choose from when researching and pulling together guidelines that work best for your life. Our team at Grand Fitness wants to first address some of the myths you may have heard or come across in your research!   Myth 1: Eliminate or restrict a macronutrient for the best results   Please do not completely eliminate a macronutrient (carbohydrates, proteins or lipids/fats)

10 Ways to Establish Healthy Eating Habits Today You can have the ideal workout plan in mind, dedicating hours to your well-being by visiting the gym or staying active in your everyday life, but how important is nutrition to your overall success?   Establishing healthy eating habits is essential in several ways. We’ve outlined a few below!   Maintaining a healthy weight that is sustainable through life’s many changes. Lowering your chances for chronic diseases such as diabetes, certain types of cancer, osteoporosis, hypertension and more. Increasing your energy and happiness,

Heart-Healthy Nutrition We’re still celebrating heart health this month at Grand Fitness! Although maintaining an active lifestyle with regular exercise is vital for cardio health, another critical component to your overall success is nutrition and daily diet.   We have come up with a few simple steps that you can incorporate into your everyday life to stay mindful of your choices and improve your heart health.   Eat more fruits and vegetables, as they are full of vital micronutrients, low in calories, and rich in dietary fiber. These choices also contain substances that